We created our Mentor program because in addition to the Tanoda sessions, we want to provide personal attention, care, and support to all children participating in the Tanoda program in Hernádszentandrás. We consider this particularly important, as the children work with different volunteers from weekend to weekend, therefore it is the mentors that represent consistency and stability in their lives at InDaHouse.

The mentor's mission is to accompany and follow the life of the mentored child, preferably in the long term. This means that they pay special attention to the mentored child’s progress at the Tanoda and at school, and also help their physical, mental, and emotional development.

Our mentor volunteers visit their mentored children regularly (at least once every six months), either in the child's home or in the organizing a program together. This helps the mentor to develop a closer relationship with the family, to encourage them to contact the mentor about the child, so that the mentor can become more involved in the mentee's life. The mentors also closely monitor the children's Tanoda progress: they regularly read the Tanoda diary of the sessions, and report to the task sheet volunteer if any changes need to be made.

In our bi-annual mentor meetings, we discuss the difficulties and good practices, and how to maintain a balance in firmly monitoring the child's academic progress while maintaining a good, trusting, personal relationship.

Our mentor program is an important part of the InDaHouse method, and our aim is to provide mentors to as many children as possible.